Хостинг сайтов 2021

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Hosting tools

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Лучшее предложение


9.9 1277
Стартовый пакет: $ 6.99 / месяц

Основан в 2004 год.

Siteground предлагает такие пакеты хостинга:
Web Hosting, Wordpress, Woocommerce, Cloud, Reseller

6 USA, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, Australia, Singapore
9 Cpanel, Cache, Wordpress, Backup, Server Setup, SSH, FTP, GitHub, Siteground Wordpress SEO
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superfast SSD amazing support custom control panel best price for great service free website transfer Daily Backups github Siteground Wordpress SEO
"I have been with Siteground for a few years now and have multiple websites with them. Not only do they provide excellent service and features, but they also provide excellent and timely help with real people who want to actually help you, and are good at it." Rachel Gans, UK - 2021
-70% на хостинг
Siteground + Бонус
1. Siteground

Услуги хостинга: 5 Web Hosting, Wordpress, Woocommerce, Cloud, Reseller
Сервера: 6 USA, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, Australia, Singapore
Инструменты: 9 Cpanel, Cache, Wordpress, Backup, Server Setup, SSH, FTP, GitHub, Siteground Wordpress SEO
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Промокод / Бонус get 70% OFF on all Shared Hosting Plans

Основан в 2004 9.9 Перейти + Бонус
superfast SSD amazing support custom control panel best price for great service free website transfer Daily Backups github Siteground Wordpress SEO
"I have been with Siteground for a few years now and have multiple websites with them. Not only do they provide excellent service and features, but they also provide excellent and timely help with real people who want to actually help you, and are good at it." Rachel Gans, UK - 2021
2. Bluehost

Услуги хостинга: 3 Wordpress, Web Hosting, Woocommerce
Сервера: 6 USA, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, Singapore, India
Инструменты: 7 Cpanel, Cache, Wordpress, Backup, SSH, FTP, Email
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Промокод / Бонус

Основан в 2003 8.7 Перейти
amazing support
"I have been using Blushost from last 2 years and I really had a Great experience with them. The only thing I would like is a little cheaper." Gaurav Chaudhari, India - 2021
3. FastComet

Услуги хостинга: 7 Web Hosting, Wordpress, Woocommerce, VPS, Cloud, OpenCart, Dedicated
Сервера: 3 USA, Netherlands, Australia
Инструменты: 5 Cpanel, Cache, Wordpress, FTP, Backup
Возврат денег
Промокод / Бонус 50% discount on shared hosting

Основан в 2013 8.6 Перейти + Бонус
cheap hosting daily backups superfast SSD
"I had an issue where shared site was down because of DDoS but got quick help from the FastComet team. I was actually planning to move from the site because the issues but the rate support made me stay." Dan Larsson, SW - 2020
4. ChemiCloud

Услуги хостинга: 4 Web Hosting, Wordpress, Reseller, Cloud
Сервера: 7 USA, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, Romania, Singapore, India
Инструменты: 5 Wordpress, Cpanel, Backup, FTP,
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Промокод / Бонус

Основан в 2016 8.2 Перейти
Daily Backups custom control panel
"One of their support agents changed by mistake the setup of a website that was not on my account. Their support agents do not even understand how a robots.txt work (basic sysadmin knowledge)" David M, GR - 2020
5. Hostinger

Услуги хостинга: 5 Web Hosting, Wordpress, Minecraft Hosting, VPS, Cloud
Сервера: 4 Netherlands, Lithuania, Singapore, USA
Инструменты: 3 Wordpress, FTP, Email
Возврат денег
Промокод / Бонус

Основан в 2004 8.2 Перейти
cheap hosting
"Anyone that has dealt with their customer support knows its poor and they will try to keep you in the chat for some reason. Servers are 4 out of 5 for speed." Eric Anderson, CA - 2021
6. A2 Hosting

Услуги хостинга: 4 Web Hosting, Wordpress, Woocommerce, Cloud
Сервера: 4 USA, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany
Инструменты: 3 Wordpress, FTP, Email
Возврат денег
Промокод / Бонус

Основан в 2001 7.8 Перейти
cheap hosting amazing support
"A2 hosting support replied very fast and there’s answer was great and the support agent was friendly." Fadi Kazak, UAE - 2021
7. GoDaddy

Услуги хостинга: 5 Web Hosting, Wordpress, Woocommerce, Cloud, VPS
Сервера: 9 USA, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, Australia, Singapore, Romania, India, Lithuania
Инструменты: 6 Cpanel, Cache, Wordpress, Backup, FTP, Email
Возврат денег
Промокод / Бонус

Основан в 1997 6.5 Перейти
"Very poor support. Hosting are so slow and often goes down. I/O usage is not unlimited like the claim. Avoid Avoid. I moved all my sites out." Xavier Cloitre, TA - 2021
webhosting banner

Hosting. Обзор

В нашем фильтре мы сравниваем работу следующих компаний:

  • Siteground
  • FastComet
  • ChemiCloud
  • Hostinger
  • GoDaddy
  • Bluehost
  • A2 Hosting
Фильтр "Hosting" позволяет вам выбрать компании по следующим критериям: Бонус, имя компании, Категории, Server Locations, Инструменты, Возврат денег. И отсортировать список согласно Оценка, Отзывы, Price (min), Год основания.
Мы верим, что все эти опции помогут вам найти лучшее решение в сфере Hosting в 2025 году.

Для каждой компании указан рейтинг основанный на опыте экспертов WorknPay и отзывам наших посетителей, а так же таких источников как Trustpilot, Web of Trust, и т.д. Мы рады будем получить ваши отзывы, рейтинги и рекомендации через нашу контактную форму.